Well, my GI got all of my blood work and all of the stool samples back.
Things are not great. My CRP is elevated about four (4) times the normal limit, and my white blood cell count is elevated. My adalim levels, which measure how much Humira is in your blood stream, are STILL too low to be considered therapeutic, even at 80MG per week. The weird thing is I don't seem to be building an immunity to the drug, so that's good news. No C Diff or anything to deal with right now.
My GI is fantastic. He is an excellent doctor. He's a research physician, and he's willing to try things that other doctors can't, or won't. So he wants me to try 120MG of Humira per week, for the next eight (8) weeks to see if we can get my levels up to therapeutic. I'm taking my first increased dose today.
I finished the doxycylcine and I'm still on clavamox, but the HS flare continues. It's not AS bad as it was a few weeks ago, the drainage has decreased a bit, but my arm pits feel like the craters on the moon look. But with more blood. I'm bleeding constantly from various spots and it's REALLY irritating. We wash our sheets at least once a week, and we've added a laundry sanitizer that kills staph and other bacteria, but it's not bleach. I've been using it on my clothes, towels, and sheets just for safety. I'm still doing bleach baths twice a week, hibiclens in the shower, and bactine as needed. At least I no longer require pain medication in order to use my arms.
Reminder: I am on Humira for Crohn's Disease, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, psoriasis, and polymyalgia rheumatica.
Things are not great. My CRP is elevated about four (4) times the normal limit, and my white blood cell count is elevated. My adalim levels, which measure how much Humira is in your blood stream, are STILL too low to be considered therapeutic, even at 80MG per week. The weird thing is I don't seem to be building an immunity to the drug, so that's good news. No C Diff or anything to deal with right now.
My GI is fantastic. He is an excellent doctor. He's a research physician, and he's willing to try things that other doctors can't, or won't. So he wants me to try 120MG of Humira per week, for the next eight (8) weeks to see if we can get my levels up to therapeutic. I'm taking my first increased dose today.
I finished the doxycylcine and I'm still on clavamox, but the HS flare continues. It's not AS bad as it was a few weeks ago, the drainage has decreased a bit, but my arm pits feel like the craters on the moon look. But with more blood. I'm bleeding constantly from various spots and it's REALLY irritating. We wash our sheets at least once a week, and we've added a laundry sanitizer that kills staph and other bacteria, but it's not bleach. I've been using it on my clothes, towels, and sheets just for safety. I'm still doing bleach baths twice a week, hibiclens in the shower, and bactine as needed. At least I no longer require pain medication in order to use my arms.
Reminder: I am on Humira for Crohn's Disease, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, psoriasis, and polymyalgia rheumatica.
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