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Showing posts from June, 2017

Humira, Life at 120MG

I took two pens on Thursday (6/29/17) and another one today (6/30/17) and I am EXHAUSTED. No idea if it's helping yet, but the shots seem to make me hungry. Reminder: I am on Humira for Crohn's Disease, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, psoriasis, and polymyalgia rheumatica.

Humira, Life at 80MG part 2

Well, my GI got all of my blood work and all of the stool samples back. Things are not great. My CRP is elevated about four (4) times the normal limit, and my white blood cell count is elevated. My adalim levels, which measure how much Humira is in your blood stream, are STILL too low to be considered therapeutic, even at 80MG per week. The weird thing is I don't seem to be building an immunity to the drug, so that's good news. No C Diff or anything to deal with right now. My GI  is fantastic. He is an excellent doctor. He's a research physician, and he's willing to try things that other doctors can't, or won't. So he wants me to try 120MG of Humira per week, for the next eight (8) weeks to see if we can get my levels up to therapeutic. I'm taking my first increased dose today. I finished the doxycylcine and I'm still on clavamox, but the HS flare continues. It's not AS bad as it was a few weeks ago, the drainage has decreased a bit, but my arm...

Humira, Life at 80MG

My dermatologist and my GI agreed that because my adalim levels were low and I wasn't building a tolerance to the Humira we should try dosing at 80MG per week. That's two pens/syringes every seven days. I was worried about the increased dosage so I did a little of my own research and I spoke to a friend who is a scientist. There were no increased risks and my body was tolerating the drug well already. It seemed that a higher dosage resulted in an increased chance of remission for most people. So we did it. A whole 3 months at 80MG per week. I experienced no unusual side effects. I try to hydrate on injection days and I seem to be hungrier than usual, but my intestines seem to tolerate fiber a little bit better so I tried healthier snacks and the occasional salad. I don't know how much is the Humira and how much is the steroids but things seemed okay for quite a while. Then, a few weeks ago, I started having an HS flare. Hidradenitis suppurativa is an unpredictable dis...